Sunday, October 20, 2013

Letter #19: June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

Dear Cameron,

You’ve had a busy month!  Mom and dad had been nervous that you still are not crawling or walking and your speech is a little delayed too.  We wanted to make sure it was nothing more than just low muscle tone.  So, we went to a neurologist who said that you had “hypotonia” (low muscle tone), and that we should do some tests to figure out the reason.  You had lots of blood drawn, about 7 vials.  Thank goodness grandma was there because I was crying while the nurses took your blood.  Then, we had your hearing tested, which checked out normal (phew!).  Next, was the MRI.  It was the worst experience of my and daddy’s lives.  It was so hard to watch the nurses poke at you to find a vein.  It actually took an hour and a half, poking you 8 different times.  I almost passed out after an hour.  When they finally go it, they gave you a sedative, which made you fall asleep within 2 minutes.  It was hard for me to watch you fall asleep like that.  Daddy was brave and went in with you for the MRI.  We had to wait a couple of days for the results.  In the meantime, you went to grandma and grandpa B’s for the weekend while daddy and I went to Las Vegas (it was my Mother’s Day gift from you J. )

Monday, June 7, began the week of wonderful news.  We found out that I was pregnant!  You are going to have a brother or sister in February!  The very next day, we found out that the MRI came back “normal”  ahhh, what a relief!  It was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.  On the same day, we found out that your blood work was all “normal” too!  That week, we took you to the eye doctor.  He said that your right eye was a little week, so we needed to strengthen it, but otherwise, your inner eyes looked good (phew!). 

So, it was a week of incredible news for us!  Now, we know for sure that nothing is neurologically wrong.  Actually daddy never thought anything was wrong in the first place, just that you were a little weak.  We just need to work you out several times a day until you catch up to everyone else!!!

I took you for your 15 months check up (you turned 15 months on June 10, which is your cousin, Alexander’s birthday).  Here were your stats:

Weight: 21 lbs 6 ozs (25th percentile)
Height: 31 ½ inches (+75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 ¾ (25th percentile)

I’m so happy that you are okay.  And I’m so happy that you are going to have a sibling.

I love you very much,

The first time I met my friend, Emma

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